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- The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazettei
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- Teutopolis, Illinois
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- 8
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rom Life W41 kf 1 3400 103871 quander plom County Superintendent ft '240 MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN' ing this month of May The Queen of Balance on hand July 1st 1919 Steam Vulcanizing or ILLINOIS EINGHAM 1 1 II I IM I 1 I I H44 1 MH HHI 1 1 IHH I 4250 459000 K' 252 81248 81500 John Runde Notary Public CnARlLS ADKINS LHHLCTOK We only have these big sales twice a year and we make worth your while to attend 9750 600 1000 17363 en' civ me the John Hank Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me DAVISON GENERAL MANAGER When In Need of Repairs Let Us Serve You We carry a complete line accessories 33IL0N Our store will be closed Wednesday July 21st and Thursday July 22nd to rearrange stock EXPENDITURES School Board and BusinessOffices' Teachers Salary Text' Books Stationery Sup 1 plies Etc Interest on Orders Engineers Etc uel Water Light Etc i arm Bureau Notes What is the average monthly fat production of milk cows Is your cow below the average or above? The fol lowing table gives the average of twnty four herds for the past five months 1 The average milk production for the year as taken on over three hundred dairy cows in Effingham County last year was only 5600 pounds Every dairy Cow in this county should give 8000 lbs or more milk or should be sold to the block She should' also giYe 300 pounds of vbutter fat be replaced by one that willDisposing of a cow whose production is 5600 pounds and placing one in your herd 22191 2380 26492 27492 42033 3728 600 105405 1605 223874 $919139 340 5000 Libraries Pension und Other township Treasurers New Grounds and Buildings Balance on hand June 30 1920 Total DISTRIBUTIVE UND RECEIPTS Balance July 1st rom County Superintendent Davis 1 in her place which gives 8000 pounds milk will give you an average profit of $7200 over and above the' l8V pro ducer A cow production 4 is 8000 pounds milk testing one per cent higher than another cow will give an increase in your prifit of $3200 As high as the cost 'of feeci is every dairyman Get rid of your poor producers Bring into your herd cows of greater production in fat and milk A market is guaran teed for all the milk you can produce This is the first time Effingham Coun ty has been in that positian We can begin to increase our dairying and prosperity will come back to us No of Cows Over 4u lbs fat Between 30 lbs and 40 Iba fat33 Between 20 lbs and 80 lbs fat 463 Between 10 lbs and 20 lbs fat 41 Below 10 lbs fat 8 1 BINDERS get the down grain Thei eare many new features' we want toV demonstrate to you come in anq see it on our floor 1 Also GOODRICH casings and tubes Storage Battery Genera and Brushes Light bulbs vi and Oils £1248 252 81500 1 hereby certify that the foregoing statement" is true and correct to the Bargains in Second Hand We have all sizes of second EHIlUtl hand binders for sale We guar antee them to work riN ie 4 A dissertation on errors typograph ical and otherwise by Kelley: week the paper this paper or any other has typographical errors and there is always some one ready to laugh mirthlessly over it and hold the paper to scorn and say a blacksmith could do a better job with both hands tied and proceed to bawl out the editor publicly And the editor being meek in spirit and lowly grins a sun grin as if he liked it because he knows the utter futility of explaining Then he goes back to the shop and bites a nail in (wo to relieve his feel ings and finally wonders how his tormentors would feel should he turn critic and point out the" typographical errors so to speak in the makeup of the hilarious ones '1' Hon Jehu Junkins shaves himself 'and last Sunday ap peared at church with a patch of un shaven whiskers under the angle of his jaw the sizeof a grown thumb Sis Stiggins had her hat ou crooked and the shoestring on her thru what little hair she has left The underskirt of the Belle of the Village hung on one side a full inch below the bottom of her dress Amri Toots one of our best known city gents walked down the aisle with a long raveling hanging io bis coattail old Ebenezcr Stone had blacked his shoes until he could' see his reflection in them while his shoe heels had not had a treatment since he bought them summer Billy B' Darn who ordinarily give three whoops for anything and rare who knows it blushed a rosy red when with his best girl' he produced a washrag from his pocket instead of a handkerchief Miss Peach le Peacherino who is 35 and near sighted wafted a kiss to a trav eling man getting on the train 4under the Impression that it was her broth er who departed from our midst on the same common carrier i 1 I 1 4 the poet remarked we are al) poor critters and prone To errors of makeup even asdhe up ward and all good and true editors instead of impaling the kit and bun wanted to know if? I had ev en once for all will again next week smile sungrin when he is publicly roasted and let it go at that Ancditor much sense' anyway why he is an'' Both President Wilson and Mr Com pers" pointed out the essentiality ot labor injhe war and the fact that the war belongs to the man who toils far above the man who has not' tolled in the past It consequently is the duty of 'every one to contribute to the financial support of the government as well as through manual labor "The ourth Liberty Bonds which were placed on sale September 28 Should be supported by every labor ing man They not only carry with them the sustenance of the soldier in the trenches but afford a better security and investment than the toiler could otherwise secure far his savings He consequently is not only assisting the government ma terially but he is at the' same time making an investment that 'is the safest in the world and yields him a good return upon lie saving 6720 12268 $113991 TOWNSHIP UND' RECEIPTS The most Overwhelming alue 1 Giving Event of the Season Our entire stock of new and up to date suits' skirts waists dresses furnishings etc everything to wear for women and children now offered to the public of Effing ham and vicinity at sacrifice prices Avail yourself of 'this opportunity making this more superior than the similar one held last year The stock is being remarked No attention will be fpaid to what actually cost Every summer garment must go We prefer taking a loss rather than to carry them over We are the first ones to take a loss 4 when conditions' necessitate Our salesfstand' alone as' the most remarkable example of the past The public is toning to learn that our sales are the while Remember the date ridayjJuly 23rd to Saturday July' 31st Look forour big circulars it' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IH IHH JI The maw acroas Abe jvay jeame over i to Dill er's house one afternoon when that gentleman happened to be home He rang tha bell and asked for Bllbdr Dilber ct me down The man across the way was an earnest looking Indi vidual with rather protrusive whisk ers 'L I see he said said Dilber right in And he tdo' his visitor in to his library ''1 5 5 have been neighbors some said the man across the way Eand after considerable thought and prayer I have felt that it is my duty as Christian to come over here and' talk with you about some of the things have noticed' or instancer I see that you have the Sunday papersde livered on your piazza every jwdek and I have watched your children en gaged in degrading occupation of read ing thosedreadful comic suppliments' said Dilber looked up the register of our continued the man across the way I found that you are down on the roll but you very seldom go It is my duty to remind you tfiat you ought to be a faithful attendant' voice fell and there was a tinge of embarrasment in hi i manner 1 will understand my deni he said it has caused me considerable pflin to have to conic over here and tell you these things but you arc a neighbor of mine and 1 feel strongly that it is my Dilber smiled mention he said dear fellow you are quite right Pro coed Anything els am sorry io say that hot long ago I heard you using profane words'nt I the man who lives In back of I believe his hens got into my yard and I forgot "We are all miserable sinners of course but I did not know but possl bly I could be of some help to you i Dilber motioned him to silence i fact he said lealize fill 'y the irnport nce of your mission I would suggest that we go out in my garage where will be alone Then you can tell i a a wjioie siory ui niyBcu He conducted his visitor around in to the garage and when they were in side Dilber carefully locked the dour there anything more you have noticed about he said The man from across the ay ehooghis head dubiously "Ot course syou will undersand be said only motives of Christian duty impel me to speak to' you: thus frankly I see you smoking a good dekl and three nights ago come home on the one train? And I do not think your conduct was quite seemly upon the Dilber smiled again lie observed "And now my dear friend bad as I am too have a sense of duty Would you mind if I told you not be cause I want Jo understand but be cause I feel that I something that I have noticed about said the man from across the way said Dilber removing hist coat fact now that we are en tirely alone for some time I have been watching you and It has been painfully brought in upon me that you do not have enough exer ini i I4 I I 1 1 I IHHHl4 5 1 4 SJ '4 Towards midnight in the smoking room of the trans Atlantic liner How ard the author held forth oil realism and romance In one of his pauses am other df the company broke in said the interrupter but the word which those: who can see nothing but the ordinary and hum diuni jn life try to exfcuse their blind ness to the romances that'' unfold themselves all about jus eVery day The last time I heard the doctrine of realism preached was In the home ot a wealthy New Yorker who declared that in his life there hab never been the least( tinge of theunusual or the romantic He had never fallen in love and never had any i'ad ventures Three days Ipter in the i morning' he war found sealed In a chair on the piazza of his supirncr home dead fronra stah round tlirpugh the heart Three hun dred thousand llr in cash which ire had receivedfrbm the sale' 'of' a block of bonds was missing from bis ofriee safe where he had placedit the receding late afternoon because a bank was closed The only clue found to the mur'rer was a blood stained tilletto which was discovered tween the Old and the New Testa ments a by family Bible on a high shelf in the library ot the 'murdered summer home The mystery ofthe murder was never plot of a very interesting commented Howard and went on with Iris monologue 5 A little later 1 he party broke up On his way tO' his stateroom Winton ho had been 'one of them dropped' in at the wire less room and sent message I Three days later i at the Neiy'York pier the man who had interrupted Howard was arrested for murder com emitted four years before was once a member 'of the explained Winton to Howard stilletto was' never found until he told where to 1 look for it that night in the smoking I loom" 1 The ManWho Told i rom Ufa 'XJ BROOM CO rJEINGHAM ILL $181927 89417 612662 Allf 2028 THE WfflRi SW Wain Across tbe Way We Treat You Right' Tne1 Side Inn Ain rnrrA martin Accessories anil Repairs t'5 Effinghim Illinois 14 May is also the Queen of Peace and the Patroness of our Country Let us implore her intercession that she may bless us May she bless all the warring na tions that their inhuman carnage may cease IWav ciin hlzaca fViA Tlmfpil RtJltPS with a speedy and happy termination best of my knowledge and belief of hostilities May she bless our government with wisdom and courage to nrotect our people against the greed of those who this 10th day of July 1920 prefer the gold coined from the blood to the gold of unsel Bonds Total EXPENDITURES Bonds Balance on hand July 1st 1920 Total of Cumbei land County 6720 Total $113991 A DELAYED ADDRESS i (Continued fom Page 1) should endeavor to give others a good ana aoove an avoid giving scandal the more so since you all know what a dreadful woe wha( dreadful curse Christ har hurled against the scandal giver Now even if as I said before ooiiti cally speaking our conduct is without reproach you all know as well and better that I do that we are carrying on things in this community that are not without reproach because hey are not in conformity with the state laws You all know how Teutopolis was criticiz' for its schools and you know also how I have labored since I am amongst you to remove all grounds of just criticism in this line You know quite well how this community is still constantly beirig criticized for its trading on Sundays for its saloons and for its dances because they are said to be carried on in violation of our state laws And since I have been asked time and again by our best friends and neighbors both from amongst the clergy and the laity to use my influence that in these matters the state laws be observed I wish to state here publicly and admonish the whole community that are in conscience bound to observe the state laws in our public life and that by the 5th Commandment of God we are bound to avoid all scandal1 And as far as public dances are concerned that are frequented by all sorts of strangers and questionable characters I wish to sav that school children youngsters not yet 16 years old have I Maintenance of Plant never any reason to be present And under present circumstances when our kinsmen in Europe are battling for their very existence and suffering the greatest distress and now that our own country is involved in this World struggle and we ourselves most likely are facing a famine in our land we are' admonished by civil and ec clesiastical authority that it is out of place to indulge in such public amuse ments and thus' giddily to our time our money and our good name So "much about our loyalty to i ILa vtnw iitzt vawzi wi uu ab U1 yvx EXPENDITURES our two pniuipd! iiuncs to su Incidentai Expcnses of treas by our country and to avoid ndal Annual statemcnt i our public life for the vear 1919 In conclusion I would call tour Conponsation of Treasurer attention yet to another way in whch to DiArjcts to we all even the women and the chil 28 from Cumbeand dren can show theif love for our coun 1 trip numolu hv nii vinrr tiro I OUT) oi reace mat me atrocities oi war may cease We have done so from the beginning of theEuropean hosti lities Let us particularly do so dur eb a Mar Apr May June Ave Percent 52 37 51 43 :432 23 '67 1 74 86' 103 786' 419 33 42 37 56 418' 218 5 4 1 3 32 L7 Just Returned rom Market Our buyer has jdst returned from the 'great mid year market at Chicago where fover 5000 manufacturers exhibited their wares This is a 1 mammoth show and in addition to the un to 7 date goods we buy while there we have a line on all new and are ready to pass the re suits of our efforts op to our customers in sug gestions for 1 furnishing as 'well as in thQ merchandise offered to you The full power thus obtained is well demonstrated in our sut perb showing in urniture Rugs Lineoleums Draper 7 ies Chinaware Lamps Silver ware Cut Glass I 1 as well as the many other' lines'? we carry stock worth a look whether you buy or not I Withheld from Dist Total Garment Clearing Sale Commencing riday July 23 at 9 a m' and ends Saturday night July 31 at THE MODEL STORE Effingham Ill Will plow your itaird ground dr yourtwei ume is ivi on Therefore bjiyah and turn three furrows where you now are turning one fish patriotism May our "people to baulon their senseless habits extra agance'and wastefulness and to apply themselves to the consciertiwk ment of duty in private and' Urpuwlk life May she bless us all so that 'when' the din of war has subsided we iffaj emerge from this ordeal purged from all greed and egotism and' filled with a' nobler conception of truth and duty and love of our neighbor of our coun try anT of our God Annual inancial Statement of TfyeTownship Treasurer for Publication Township 8 Range 7 Effingham County Illinois for the year ending June 30th 1920 DISTRICT UND RECEIPTS Balance July 1st 1919 rom Distribution of Trustees rom District Taxes rom Transfers Tuition ees and other Treasurers rom Sale of School Property rom Other Sources: rom non hisrh school pupils rom Other County School Supt 6720 Total $919439 1 rTHETEUTQro "GREATEST AIR nMARTH spECIALatoctionj MflMfS13700MN PREMIUMS IN SDD THE AIR QuALPTf A ttt ww 47rw lmiw 7 a frw 441' 11111 'i i wnii ww wn wg 1 tv Ji W5 BSC' rr wr jj uv WMuiv ar' i ZZ I WWW A vMj W1 Vf a yi i 4 v4Z it Wk 9 1 jf yj 4 rl 1 JM I dH Jp jqi iurLI 'S 4 1 Vi di A 4 "jf 'X I) 7 4 'fe 1 '1 41 Mik Sj i Ml I fl 411 Is a fc' is a i a A 1 ft.
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About The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazette Archive
- Pages Available:
- 10,605
- Years Available:
- 1898-1969