The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (2025)

UNION ARENA has only been out in the US briefly. However, we’re already getting some accurate tournament data on what the best decks are. While the meta will undoubtedly evolve over time, given my early experience with the game, this list looks like it probably won’t change a whole lot.

Below, let’s take a look at what the best UNION ARENA decks are. Come back frequently as we will continue to update this list as more tournament results become available!

#1 BLEACH Purple is the strongest UNION ARENA deck

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (1)

One of the things that’s very cool about UNION ARENA (at least so far) is that the starter decks are pretty fire. While they do come with their own fair share of relatively useless cards, they are fully playable right out of the box, and it doesn’t take a whole lot to upgrade them.

BLEACH Purple is one of the starter decks released in the states upon UA’s debut. It also happens to be the strongest deck in the meta right now. And it’s not hard to see why.

In this deck you have a powerful combination of Ichigo Kurosaki’s Raid character with Byakuya Kuchiki. It also boasts a strong draw engine in the form of cards like Substitute Soul Reaper and Rukia. If you needed another reason why this deck was so strong, you can combine Ichigo (at any level) with Getsugatensho to obliterate anything on the field.

I’ve had hand’s on experience with this deck and can attest to its overwhelming power. If you are looking for a winning deck list that’s fun to play, build BLEACH Purple.

#2 Kurapika Green Deck

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (3)

You don’t need to look much farther than Kurapika’s Raid card to see why this deck is powerful. A 5000 BP essentially makes Kurapika one of the strongest attackers in the game. And that’s without taking into consideration the other powerful effects it has at its disposal.

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (4)

Meanwhile, this deck has plenty of other powerful card search at its disposal. Cards like Neon provided much needed draw support, even enabling you to play a character directly from the top five cards of your deck in the active position.

Kurapika hits hard and has a plethora of useful cards at its disposal that make it a strong deck that’s relatively easy to play.

#3 Toshiro Hitsugaya Thirteen Court Guard Deck

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (5)

There’s a reason Toshiro is the key to this deck’s success – its freezing effect that activates when played has the ability to force all of your opponent’s characters into resting is befitting of Toshiro’s icy Bankai.

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (6)

Meanwhile, like the other top two cads on this deck, this deck also has access to powerful card search thanks to Unohana. Other notable standouts include Kenpachi Zenpaki – an utterly attack focused card with no recourse for defense.

One of the reasons this deck isn’t higher up on the tier list at this point might just because of the fact that it’s relatively harder to build. There’s no starter deck based on the Green Thirteen Court Guard Squads affinity, meaning you have to acquire the cards you need out of boxes or online. Overtime, I could easily see this deck gain prominence and move even higher up on the tier list based on how deadly these combos can be.

#4 BLEACH Yellow Deck

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (7)

BLEACH Yellow feels a bit like a combo deck. You’re mainly trying to get characters to rest before removing them from play with Bambietta. You have several ways to do this, bu thte best on eis As Nodt.

Meanwhile, your strongest draw support card is actually a site: the Silbern. You can use this ability each and every turn to ensure you don’t run out of characters to play.

Lastly, Yellow has access to powerful removal thanks to Medalize, capable of getting rid of just about any character in the game.

While Yellow may not pack as hard of a punch as the two top decks in this format right now, it’s a strong contender in the UNION ARENA meta and will more than likely show up at your store tournament sooner or later.

These are the strongest decks in the game right now you should know about, but stay tuned as I will be updating this list with even more strategies you can use to compete at your next UA store tournament!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.

The Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now — Joseph Writer Anderson (2025)


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