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044 INPNWWVr4V EVP OVER 200000 CIRCULATION Monday IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STARTELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS JUST DIAL 3327722 FOR 14-C FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM IApartments hum 47 I 1 2 et 3-dloompt 47A IMiscellaneous 36 I sporting icyt los Toys 36A NEW 30-0A custom made Hand crafted to 2501 A and I coot KuhArsky mount sling 2844353 2 POOL TABLES with balls and CUPS $115 And 140 275-5800 BRUNSWICK Crown WO 1376769 15 ft fiberglas boat giri and boy bicycles 4719136 EVelling August 29 1973 1 Business Oppor 401 VACATION RESORT Offered by owner constant IftVAi LJ 4 units with 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home Excellentt chow tele end grosi SA 000 down balame 20 years At 712 per cent Owner finance Retiring due to atm and health Box 3IF Amos land Texas 706 ie BEAUTY SALON in Arlington Plenty of parking 12 stations 10 operators 214 2823 214-200 261- 1129 Cleveland Tekm 17327 1129 Clevelnd Texm 17321 INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION SERVICE STATION i I I ATT ENTION hunters! Pre-Dovell Tot) 66 nivel InTru in owning 8 season special Winchester AA am- Hobby-CratiGift Shop then call 261 munition Sai Per (ASO Winchester 5212 components wads $670 per thousand Primers $975 per thousand S30000 12 veer sucressful All new ball Powders ayellable New business Yours for $3000 on 1400 autometic vent rib shotgun terms Call 926-2231 $10995 Demonstrator models OAP dud skeet $109 05 Pacitic DL 15V Ineders 12 gauge Sat Ft YOU Interested In a better In-Winchester Publi' Shooting Center core2 If so there will bit a business 217-5191 opportunity meeting of Raw-COLLECTORS: CHICOM type 56 leigh Company In Chilies at the Holt 762mm carbine model SKS Gas op- d6V Inn 1100 LettlitiOn aye On prated semi-automatic $150 732-6916 Thursday August 23rd it 7 Pm No atter 3 pM (11)11ChithIll contact Mr Don When- harn at tha ntAittinn fir gait Rim IF YOU are Interested in owning 8 Hobby-Crati-Glit Shop then cell 5212 business Yours for 13000 on terms Call 926-2231 ARE YOU Interested In a better In core7 If so there will be business opportunity meeting of Raw- leigh Company In Dallas at the Holt day Inn 800 Ler11111011 Ave on Thursday August 23rd at 7 PM No Obliagit1011 contact Mr Don Whelk ham at the meeting or write Roe CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL (1 bottle with each lease) New in North Richland Hills I 2 or 3 Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished Total Electric Shag Carpets Walk-in Closets Beautiful Pool and Clubroom Close to Neighborhood Schools FROM $145 NORTHRIDGE VILLAGE APTS 7913 Harwood Road 2 I SAKO 243 Foreter deluxe with widefteld Redfield scooes never been tired Cfi Sekn 10 ne IX Weever scone excellent condition $225 24i 1756 scone excellent conomon ezt iixI 1756 WE BUY sell nr trade for modern' or antirme nuns Authorized dealer for Btx-k knives Prince Jewelry Limn VII Mein 132-3911 --Donn Heath Guns Good stock mew and tNee elUee 1a) Hinhwy PO We Donn Heath Guns Good stock new and 11Pri aunt lt2S3 Highway an We POOL TABLkS IMisc Machinery 35 I ALL BRANDS new and Wel air compressors hailers and staplers Staples and nails for all brands of air nuns Sm2 or nights 231-A010 I SACHINE SHOP for sale cntriplete sr anuinned Ail tools in ONO work no condition Reel midi For itormation writ PO Box 12442 Fort Wort hTexas CiRLION 4 ft radial drill with W11 In column extra Good condition 149 Call 26Sleal 18" ENGINE lathe with soma tontine' PK Kemp Smith No 3 mill horizontal-vertical with tooling $800 So4-21e9 Weatherford Texas CATERPILLAR 922B a-wheel Wive 'M model VS 50a CRISP EQUIPMENT CO 838-6919 '70 Model Long tractor model 425 with front end loader and beclinne also tandem trailer all In good con 27S-2711 OIL QUENCH system complete lesS tanks ene Dearborn St Arlinoton AIR COMPRESSORS direct-froM factory prices 312soo1 NEW 2c ton Lonoy Trader sc WO CRISP EOUIPMENT CO 8386919 4i TON link belt motor crane with WO ft of boom And 40 ft lib Days 304-2902 nights 1117-926-61S8 DRILL PRESS for sale complete oN-7361 rekTERPILLAR D-4 end blade kA 200 or assume pevrnents 444-40I0 tRAYCO 350 airless paint no VS hose 2 (Mitt 112 Years oil -CR IF ICE CloseOut 4000 lhc hwmotor warehouse forklift with sidashift and 3 staoe uorinht perect condition Days 332-8116 Nights '49423 KLUGE clood running condi 'on can be seen at 1300 Main kel Avg GAS portable welding rig for S115 244-201L FARMALL tracior excellent condition $425 485-2782 3000 FORD tractor with pier hole machine and dozer blade SACtitICO equity A Landes 124 Westview Terrell Texas 214-563-5804 AIR COMPRESSORS direct-fromtactory prices' 3325894 NEW MACHINE TOOLS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK Clausing and Clausing Cotchester lathes 12" 13" 15" and 12" Mar- vel 8M8 handsaw B'uttalo Claustng and DeltaRockwell drill presses 15" 11" and 20" Clausinet vertical mill Dake 25-ton and 50-ton shop ono LmilaKotRwell UT III a 15" 17" and 20" Clausing vertical mill Dake 25-ton and 50-ton shop presses Morriscm Key seater Rol In handsaw Bridgeport 815 Surface Grinder I-nder i bedroom frame Garaffe i11187327 2R1-1835 2F12-119z For SPAM Richland Hills arm good CASH AND CARRY location Traininn and financial 1 1stanrit available 624-3120 83111139 Hardboard rumpling 92 29 WI stS MN I I imtide paint 1229 un I Doors doors NeW cortrugaled ron doo ill 00 a' i i Roiled roofing 1 Teegue Lumber Co bedroom frame Gerecto 111182327 281-1835 2I12-11S6 AAA I Ai coin IdUritiry For mtie of trAdPo nitiM sell immediately make offer 292-43SA Supplies reirs "C411074) Fort Worth Sillard Supply 2S years service TEX trit 411 Belknap BILL'S BILLIARD SUPPLY Slate pool tables Foochalls oinhalls hike boxes and arcade equipment We repair find recover all makes of Excellent neighborhood locations machines end tables available On south side and in Hurst 3404 Belknap 8384261 Euless Bedford area Financial assistance available Good labor potential Call days 831-1262 Nights Brad I Miscellaneous 31 Vernon Fields 926-6566 I Brown 268-1696 Mario O'Angelo Iie '255-1754 FRANCHISER has 3 established Wont to Swap 361 profitable 2-employee operated units 'tor sale During the past year each ACOUSTICAL ceiling work and crowlowner of a unit with one employee foot walls trade for gozci netted an average monthly protit room suite or king size bedroom in excess ot $1500 Franchiser corn-suite 838-5470 pally is not desirous ot selling these profitable business units but It needs cash for expanding franchising 1 Miscellaneous 36 1 'operation Excellent opportunity for la retiree with limited business acne 1 Miscellaneous 36 I for sto or MAYTAG coin laundry tredeo MUM sell lillenedietely eleke Offer 292-4391 me a re tree with limited bUsiness expe- Clothes Sowing 36C border and WHITE MINK a to BUSINESS ASSOCIATE WANTED a 475421 collr ike new 27 xe ai cutive C'oar CLOTHES SALE COiiOf girls all S20000 to S40000 season long dresses coats dresses BUSINESS ASSOCIATE WANTED executive Caliper 520000 to 540000 blouses slacks suit size 5 7 and SP IlArt of today's ever channinq OLIVER VAN HORN CO INC9 Exceilent cnndiinn many nprrle 1 mOrleY market Profit from Inflation OF FORT WORTH 'brands reasonably nriced 261-1211 -3354494 Dallas 214-827-A491 DO YOU HAVE BUSINESS EXPETERPILLAR 05H-46A-1300 Ate- MINK stole sliver like PPW 'err' RIENCE? CAN YOU HANDLE PEORipper Tubelok Canopies 85 lice 8344044 or 819-25al PLE? Part or full time ideal for enter s24500 Arthur Equipment rUBLIC SPWira done sentee ownership Minimum invest Ping 214-252-flane 923-07IS 'merit repuired s5700 to S9500 fully OF PORT WORTH 214-827-A481 CATERPILLAR 08H-464-1300 Ripper Tube lok Canopies 85 s245n0 Arthur Equipment Irving 214-2S2-86ne slacks suit size 5 7 andBe a part of today's ever chAnelin( pp a part of today's ever chanoino money market Profit from inflation DO YOU HAVE BUSINESS Ex DE- RIENCE? CAN Volt HANDLE PEO- PLE? Part or full time ideal for als- sentee ownership Sainimuminyest DO YOU HAVE BUSINESS EXPERIENCE? CAN YOU HANDLE PEOPLE? part or full time ideal for absentee ownershio Minimum invest merit reatured s5Ino to s9500 fulls under agreement V7-3354484 Ate-co Dozer International Harvester Co Industrial EattiPrnint Parts and Service Haltom City 2A5-0902 HAVE several large used turbine and submergible pumps fill' sale Also have 3000 ft rotarv complete with tools and pump Also have assnrted SiZeS of steel tanks SOO to 180 000 gallons 834-1420 night 814 OM 2829 First St I I Miscellaneous 36 I I Miscellaneous 36 Firwood 361 SPECIALIZE In oak firewnod 2 ft length $38 cord $25 half Nights JE 6-8680 Days 457-0196 OAK- The Best for Less Ballard's 4443191 I Photo Equipment 37 I I- RUMMAGE sale Saturday- Mondav 1 week through Saturday 25th 536- 3100 REWARD for return of blue 3 7349 ring binder containing black and HOUSE and yard sale antique car white negatives and contact sheet and truck car parts furniture end no questions asked call Herschel odds and ends Boat motor and Stine at 732-7943 trailer $100 Call 281-7426 or come bY WE BUY sell trade anything photo717 Odell Smithfield graphic Parr's Cameras 986 CHEMICALS and pool equipment Cooper Arlington 261-8131 Imoorts 534-5871 451-9279 FURNITURE Reupholstered Jewelry Stones 38 Free estimates 926-0938 3 ANTIQUE 4 drawer wooden file GOOD INVESTMENT 2 men's diaaisinets 4S1-2233 mond clusters and 1 ladies evening FOR SALE OKRA 2908 Hunter 451 ring of diammds and Citrine an-praised $1425 asking $1100 265- 5449 GARAGE SALE-'64 Olds Cutlass $150 Avon bottles appliances some OUT OF Pawn bargains In diamonds entidues and lots of miscellaneous We buy sell or trade Prince 5020 Catalpa crosses at 1800 block Jewelers Inc 501 Main 332-3937 of Haltom Rd MUST sell 414 carat solitaire 7frrok7on OUT OF Pawn bargains in diamonds antioues and lots of miscellaneous We buy sell or trade Prince 5020 Catalpa crosses at 1800 block Jewelers Inc 501 Main 332-3937 of Haltom Rd MUST sell 414 carat solitaire I 1 $100 REWARD for return of blue 3 ring binder containing black and white atives and contact sheet no questions asked call Herschel Stine at 732-7943 WE BUY sell trade anything photo- graphic Parr's Cameras 986 Cooper Arlington 261-8131 Stones 38 INVESTMENT 2 men's die- mond clusters and 1 ladies evening ring of diam3nds and Citrine aci- praised $1475 asking $1100 265- 5449 OUT OF Pawn bargains in diamonds We buy sell or trade Prince Jewelers Inc 501 Main 332-3937 MUST sell 414 carat solitaire peeirl011orief 1 Infurn 481 torpor 4801 APTS- irk Blvd 152 More furnished 1 1-t-tx rbeilroonn: i etrigereted air st duplex aria ballts tii Ogler a X) so ft 2 car 1 kyard 2 Donk nog from $135 92 6107 Ft- a 3- isd -e- nn I 161X) It epart connections ell tiles NO PITS Sy appointment irerW115-67-sfrIeffi ly place to live itiful residential from Southwest ilk to lunior high 1 bedrooms I 292-5162 Tai Meakil 2 SEISROOM ST 1175 (INFOS OR FULL DE-- BOWIE NOM iti-WEISG-Woof3 nog el La Peri1 newest opts separate dining (Wien with frost large bedrooms shag carpet end full baths- 6301 built-ins- sir I side Ian 731-181 il Retiro jiltins fireplace' Lease 1216 244-3510 Apartments 104S0 Is Paid -EULESS 267-3A4 WY 1R3 ne Rd 'oOm ant retrii- it stove and re Water paid $23 studio near bus center 2914 Sem7-459S 924-31ie APTS 1 from 5139 rhools end lers nearby A14-0431 City Vedgwood 2 bed- ino-dining kitch- paid 292-11793 in duplex 1- bed- on 469-12811 nem' everythini 535-11374 ATE APTS )114THLY LEASE 1 1-bath ns 2b4th furnished pool Total Electric iets Welcome DR S24-4052 minary 4 room APTS 246-9131 $11050 $12750 persons heat and air ve 2 bedroom and pets allowed th utility room m-3nthly Inquire ear 820 and 121 Uxury duplex 3 1 wet bar flre- '31-3619 OD VILLA 6 bullt-ins Central $145 month $50 1 'oom 335-3301 or tck Rldglea Shoo 2-beth garage air car-'id $225 7311-1435 ished 511 with fenced in 332-2824 bedroom mobile posit nice after 1 A fe 3 room private 738-4233 li 1 bedroom liv- breakfast room air draped Ga- 11- Id No pets 838- -r 'e 1 bedroom $2250 4-3633 IP IIH $25 week or aid 451-9111 DVILLE RD $25 1487 1-- tome 3 bedroom chords shopping --T available 1 week lease 150 depos- -Malty furnished om mobile home 237-3141 I efficiency 'apt der house Prefer )pets 281-7480 1- 4 2 bedroom home 1 i 732-1328- bedroom house conveniently lo- Ross 2 bedroom We central air-heat 1 Lake Worth and 193-06443 Ile TCU student I 's to share her 1 own room air I ocks ICU 9 or 12 1526 We bath furniture edults Oak Knoll Trail-Oman me shade trees I only monthly or tted trailer house th 8401 Franklin large rorn I 3 4 624-1966 1 bedroom 26011 ler week 624-8771 Irely furnished 1 refrigerated air month bills paid i lite home bills mitt 237-9893 V- A rooms and bath tills paid 831-0168 and GD 2 bed- t- on bustine no Rd1 738-0430 bedroom perils I schools 1 year located $125 per 292-4754 924-0341 lean 2 bedroom I air 6247617 ---i bile home $2750 I I Id 479-9368 0 bile home 12x61 1 4711-6516 1- 1- ills paid 53250 PE 7-0905 I sri carpeted litn- -9671 neet fii wetir -1 ST25 65-6Nfil-7 home carpel alr 1 ht 217-1141 1 rswolITO's-n-ITort-tii lid 724 11726 1 bidroom carn-el- Id 217-9671 now a-b-troi serf hilts mod 5111 5 delsosit no nets sm I mobile home for 'i Mobile Mons iI i oo mobil 5 weter furnished Ills 281-25S3 717- ---t 1 bills paid $if 50 Depolit No oats I 676-4956 In mobile hornoS 4 Worth illeetoll lot MI lnm brit roupio I et PO f-rost Free Jrnishet1 521 rot House' S2A Unfurn 481 torpor 4801 APTS Perk Blvd M0111 2 boil coin tetrIclordited duple arils ballts hieulace sq ft 2 car backyard 2 pools froin $235 292 6107 Rd 3 bed 10) ft anart connections all NO PITS By 1000111tittent IN liVrItGWO-OO place to hue beautiful residential from Soulltwekt In Minor hiph 3 hedronco6 222S162 Tai 2 REOROOM AT $IMI FOR FULL DR BOWIE RIND IN WEDGWOOD living el La newest ants separate dining kitchen with frost large bedrooms shag carpet end full baths- 6301 built-Ins sir side 731-181 El Retiro attra builtins fireplace' Lease 121S 2444510 Apartments $10450 Paid 267-304 Hwy 183 Rd built-Ins sir side 231-111 El Retiro built-ins fireplaces Lease 1215 2444510 Apartments 110450 Paid 267-3'414 Hwy 113 Rd bedroom ant stove and re Water paid 123 studio near bus center 2914 San 924-31i6 APTS from 1139 Schools and nearby 114-n431 City Wedgwood 2 living-dining paid 2928793 duplex 1- 469-1211 bedroom ant stove and re Water paid $23 studio near bus renter 2914 San 924-31ie 469-12BM near everyttuni S35-11371 GATE APTS LEASE 1-bath 2bath furnished pool Total Electric Pets Welcome DR 9244052 Seminary 4 room APTS 246-9131 211050 212750 persons heat and air Carswell 2 bedroom and pets allowed utility room m3nthly Inquire near 820 and 121 luxury duplex 3 wet bar 731-3619 VILLA built-ins central 2145 month 250 room 335-3301 or block Ricks lea Shoo 2-bedroom 2-bath particle air paid 2225 733-1431 Furnished 51 1 with fenced in 332-2824 bedroom mobile deposit nice after 3 room private 738-4233 1 bedroom breakfast room air draped No pets 838- 1 bedroom $2250 SMITH $25 week or paid 451-91t1 BIRDVILLE RD 525 home 3 bedroom schools shopping available 1 week lease $50 partially furnished mobile home 237-3141 efficiency 'apt trailer house Prefer pets 281-7480 4 2 bedroom home 732-1328 bedroom hcase conveniently Ross I- 2 bedroom 112 central air-heat Lake Worth and 293-0648 TCU student to share her own room air blocks ICU 9 or 12 BEDROOMS 112 bath furniture adults Oak Knoll Belknap home s-gaib-Tr7ti-s- only monthly or trailer house 8401 Franklin 3 large robrns 624-1966 1 bedroom 2601 per week 624-8771 nicely furnished 1 refrigerated air month bills paw home bills Worth 237-9893 rooms and bath bills paid 831-0168 and GD2 bed- on bustine no Rd 738-0430 bedroom partly schools 1 year located $125 per 292-4754 924-0341 clean 2 bedroom air 624-7617 home $2750 4781368 mobile home 12)(61 4711-6516 bills paid $-3250 PE 7-0905 cleen carpeted lito neat 575 water MONTR home impel air 2171141 Carswell j1 month DAM A74 UK berfronns 717 9A71 ri-ow M-Wirrni hills oxid Sig deposit no nets pm mobile home for Mobile it0To71 dr oom mobilo wster furnished Hills 281-7553 717- Sp7alt? mobile homes Worth Romptilid 2311H11 brit rounni) Al nut Vront Fr Pe Unfurnished 521 Nausea 32A EVERY DAYI Apartmonts I-R000n Apts or FAIR PARK 4400 Fair 923-5252 sili pp slitilith 11-dr ttitintit') South 010- 10IDE duplex Ouve roirluvi mIor 1111 5911 WI DGWOOD'S finekt bedtooms 2M Plush carnation 1600 fenced near schools shopping 614 Ala haven Cir PLEA 6341 Granbury room 2 bath deluxe merit washer dryer electric Pool nrivileits SUS month lei 222 41S9 31s-9434 tA PARISIENNE A warm and friendly located In a community across High and I short walk and elementary baths 6301 Woca May EMIDASSy West OFFERINO LAROF UNITS STARTING UNFURNISHED CALL TAILS E32-3I33 5223 CAMP LA PARISIENNE Luxury keynotes PeriSienne Wedgwood's specious hying room room ell electric free Ice-maker 3 with walkin closets covered patio 2 Woodway 2925162 LUXURY 2 bedroom S2s0 bills paid west 73-7296 Brannan WEST SIDE 8238 live duplex 2-1-2 tenzed available now Earl Shepard Co Spring Valley FROM Utility Bills 07 Call METRO Between and Pipeline vv000way IY131111 LUXURY 2 bedroom S250 bills paid west 73-7296 Brannan WEST SIDE 8238 live duplex 2-1-2 tenzed available now Earl Shepard Co Spring Valley FROM Utility Bills 07 Call METRO Between and Pineline POLY clean 2 air and heat frigerator furnished week 451-2113 Large 2 bedroom slop and shopping doge 336-2802 or 237-459S JANE LANE 123 Bedroom Bills Paid Shopping Centers 3001 Jane Ln In Haltom LUXURY duplex bedrooms 2 baths kitchen-den 1250 water NEW LVXURY studio bedroom study Arlington POLY clean 2 air and heat trioerator furnished week 451-2111 Large 2 bedroom slop and shopping gage 3362802 or rem study ArlInnton DUPLEX adults no Wis easona be SPANISH NO 1-bedroom 2-3 bedrooms Slightly more Bills bald Larne closets Children and 1350 SEMINARY NEAR Baptist brick duplex S60 926-4444 PLAZA 400 Ralph St BFOROOM 3 BEDROOM To qualified All bills paid Close to DUPLEX attractive bills paid children Total Electric with Yards kept 2215 5505 Davis Blvd 181-5026 OVERTON Park bedrooms 212 bath fireplace 1425 month COLLINWOOD 5036 2 bedroom 1 bath heat-air carpeted deposit Laundry 237-4357 RIDGLEA 1 pinq Center bus living room den carpet adults Bills 1 Houses 2 BEDROOM house backyard 535-2231 2 home bills paid 5 weekdays 26-0881 ARL HTS attractive guest house on bus 2813 FINCHER RD living room kitchen combination carpet Garage accept 1 child 6160 after 6 PM 2901 CHESTNUT week bills paid 624-3633 602 PETER $100 month bills 5216 LOWER week Deposit 281-4487 FOR RENT my furnished near centers south side $150 month 1 year deposit 624-1248 2 BEDROOM air 834-9696 NEW 1400 2-bedroom carpet air $130 SMITHFIELD area and 1 bedroom Christian couple no ARL HTS clean month 737-9962 RIDGLEA WEST garage fenced $115 NORTH SIDE 3 newly decorated located Apply 2121 COUNTRY LIVING bath mobile home wooded lot between Azle $115 month ROOMMATE female non smoker wants house with same central heat 412 months lease 926-3526 12X55 TWO new carpet and 'only $25 per week Trailer Park 4526 10850 MOBILE pavement adults weekly 738-0567 3 BEDROOM furnished with air $85 month Cf Smithfield 4904 HAMPw-IIRE shower $70 536-6194 4 RbOM house NW 29th St $20 sooa BYERS be dr oom apt adults only $120 332-5212 2-BEDROOM mobile Paid Near Lake HALTOM CITY 3 $100 plus deposit NEAR CARSWELL room washer-dryer pets 4866 Barbara LARGE clean 4 furnished near all lease conveniently month $S0 deposit NORTH SIDE fenced refrigerated 1 BEDROOM mobile week water-gas paid 3 BEDROOM air Pont $30 week NORTH SIDE week 2 bedrooms LAKE WORTH iled bills bald 237-9671 ARL HTS duplex paid 718 MIT LAKE SIDE-S125 3 bedroom mobile no nets Twin Points 2 ROOMS nesr S75 deposit bilk CAKE WORTH 2 carp-elod Ilmltj bills mild EULESS Gromevine home Mr rondilinnerl In s1750 week plus 767-10A 810 to 5 7 -bedrin rent 7112 0261 17R VALLEY PArk NPW 2-ti home lame sof North Richland 1 AND 7 bedroom overlooking Lake view and fishing API WS 7 Innironm nn net tOttil INV Mt 676i 1 Houses I or 2-Ifdream Mr ADOW8100K-11Altell4v aptri 2919 91rono Dr 7 1 1 4'111)47 9-411 11400 orrited 974 0777 or 9711677 noi)1111141TT T6'4 Twc are4 Hire hottroom looro41 Wird Arppt lifrItOft) AKA V37 1 Loans 431 SLAY CASHES NOTES 20036 LOANS $20000 and up Avail1We for new or established businthaes John Lyik011 MONEY Renoir remodel CO11111041 fest service Call 13260431 day or njoht WE RUN' RI st and Second lien notes for cash 7324821 I Building Materials 441 tortohlo or Moroi itsildings Prices Johns-Mansville SOAA Contractors check for full loads 'J-Inch sheetroc $152 1Inch sheelrock St 12 Storm D004 9 Full thiLk imulatoln 1695 Calitorilia Corp 924 Churchill 626-3781 HOUseS to be moved 109 May St 3 bedroom frame 381 Mansfield Hwy 2 bedroom 1139 Or 281-1835 2821S6 HDUSE to be moved 11:18 Or 281-183 5 282 1Se HIMME to be moved ln24 Clerence St Lest modern 2 2s01 White Settlement Rd 312-8393 COR RUGATE itherolecA oenels 260 $2 60 26810 832i 2602 83 90 Stoneoete SWIMMIng Pool 533 Bedford Rd 2820263 PORTABLE bulloinos 200 NE 28th St 626 2641 SAVE SUTHERLAND LUMBER Nights sTil 9 PM Kitchen and den carpet sq yd $295 Portland cement 94 lbs SI 65 2x2 tt 00 2x6 lineal ft 12 10 ft galvanized gutter $160 5x7 bath wall board $350 14" finished paneling $675 12)(12 ceiling tiL 09 Exhaust fan S1095 HAUL AND SAVE Insulation per 100 sq ft i4 95 6 ft metal post 5110 1100 ft roll 14 inch plastic pipe 5295 Heavy picnic table frame 51115 Folding stairway $2490 6 2 ft treated post Concrete steps SiS ep $14355 Clothes Line mist pair 11220 SUTHERLAND A BUILDING MATERIAL CENTER Weekdays 8 III 9 665 Vickery 332-1153 JONES-KEITH LUMBER CO Cash and Carry lx6 No 2 rough fencing i26 Ixa NO 2 105 sidino S2660 Aluminum storm doors S2395 Aluminum screen doors S1575 1)02 roof decking $2395 26 sizes aluminum windows In stock 3132 MANSFIELD HWY 535-0836 FOR SALE: Osceola Method! st Church Building 37x50 feat to be torn down or moved Call or see Marvin Mattox of Osceola Texas 817-854 2480 Easy Financing Portable Buildings Co 293-0146 mai Fronwav at Coin at Cr and You Carry aluminum Finished ft Masonita siding No 2 $1495 No 240 white self Sre roofing is str $9 30 Aluminum ivindoat screens S4 40 Heavy aluminum storm coot's 31995 08)07" sheetrock St39 PAW lied Wide ielpctilnl start S29t1 dxn finished bathroom bnard S595 floor tile each 13'vt 20xtr corrugated iron 125d7" ceiling tk isrh wood screen door 5i95 4r9ycl7' Ci No 1 grade Ss 19 24 stud precut FHA anproved 99c 5 aellt eidcide lideX $1495 BRITT LUMBER 1410 rirove Phone 676-82k1 Weekdays 7:30 5:30 Saturday 9 230 24 PER CENT discount on 701 Mot' O4n Port4Ole Odin" 2 only 5400 Hwy 12IA 8345517 BIG discounts on 10y20 -12Y24 Portobie Bidgiy 5400 Hwy 12IA 834-5511 ILPOPTABLE building moving our cAII 924-7203 CLEARANCE Solo at Maroon's lot 'on South Freeway: IWO double door 12yi4 122O 12o24 9300 Hwy si so 293-4094 Rooms for Rent 45 I NEAR TCU nice limn nrivAte tranre 2533 Pone's 973-4594 12 BEDROOMS for 2 Ids 971-4649 Alter Monday 2424561 1ARL HIS lovely front room car ord Air SIO PEIL1583 srnA-11 room lad-y au ti-o7s4 $lO week JE 8599 'FRONT bAdroom private ntranct nentiorrAn 457991 To MAN kitchen privileges 2541 NW LorainA 4751A44 UPPER AFDPONA 17 booth rArnot rofriaeratoct sic wetly 7311 Noy tRooms for Rent 45 I GFN I LbMAN privet bath Milian( air V24 531i6 atter IT ECU nice rences 2H11 Denbrook 14Ivd HE REYou teal Ilk you're at home 624 1k0 32 1192 SOUTH SIDE nke room kitchen P3one 40 month 926 S46I ICU 2 block Christian home PHvite entry Man 924-1SIa MOT EL week rerrmerator smell house 11 acre 624 30sn PRIVATE: bath kit3hen privilenes nilltUre working woman Near WAVPrIV Park school 3089 bedroom With kitchen privitenas 281E01 EMPLOYED Lady private bath and entrence In comiortable home share kitchen near Forest Park busbies SAO month 921003 NICE DriVille entrance kit hen tiviIec LarDett Carsweil man PE7703 1013 Sth AVE Private entrance bdth refrigerator air $11 NICE clean Private entrance art loins baths phone air gentlemen 814041P 1214 5Th Ave 2 rnomS sink stove retrinerettor 3124140 rcu nrivAte OntrAtic largs room Air Icebox man 924-9131 TRY MOTEL LIVING Weekly rates retrinerated Alf free ice maid iervice Shady Motel 403A Solknan IRoom and Board 46 1 DE LICIOUS food lismile style good beds WA 49113 3008 HemobIlL IApartments hon 47 I 1 2 or 3-Roar Apts 47A 1 ROOM apt SSO month 7j8-4949 ARL HTS 3 rooms garage bilk paid $95 adult 4604 Harley Shown after 5 and weekends WIDOW wants lady to share nice horny reasonable expenses Forest Hill 5340884 ARL HTS duplex 1802 Virginia Place water and gas geld $90 732' 1351 LUXURY SOUTHSIDE 1-2 bedrooms central air swimming pool hills paid childten welcomed 921-7888 RIVERSIDE f158 Scenic air carpet drapes $100 month bills paid 261- lee2 1 PERSUN lovety carpeted 10 units $8250 WA31542 WA36239 HALTOM RD ION 31I room refinished bilis child no pets deposit 811-1790 11135 1 Bedroom $135 bedroom 1150 1 Mock South 51n0 Lancaster Americana Apts 5120 Fannie 451-8211 SMALL 2 room house 709 Alston bills veld $60 month 336-304 or 28? 3274 NEAR WEST SIDE 1 bedroom duplex $2750 a week 3361755 924- 7556 Let Our Finders Do Your Walking WHAT? We find the perfect apart ment iust for you at no charge! WHO? APARTMENT SELECTOR the nation's first and largest aoartment locator service WHERE? 11 offices In Fort Worth Dallas Arlington rind Houston offering over 200000 IBM listings to choose from WHEN: Right nowt Fast service saving you the time of painstak ing apartment hunting WHY? Because we know the best prices sizes style the best ne ahlyors neighborhoods the best management And our se' vice is free to you! Saying you money time footwork and headaches! Apartment Selector FORT WORTH 7323376 MA RI DLICNIGTTIEOSN (METRO) 2771111 265-1344 DALLAS 536-7271 HOUSTON (713) 4614550 CLEAN reasonable no deposit monthly or weekly 336-3051 ARL HIS 1 and 2 bedroom duplex es $25 week 737-7959 SOLITHSIDE close to downtown 1 bedroom apt carpote Early American furniture paneled air no pets or children SW month 336-1693 I EFFICIENCY nice private en- trances bus bills paid no pets aim 1 Wes deposit SOUTH side 2 apts bills paid 923-5869 451-1649 PRIVATE quest cottage bachelor only Air $90 Per month 9244444 only Air $90 per month' 9247444 LA PARISIENNE IN WEDGWOOD 1-bedroom 1-bath shag carpet electric kitchen with frost free refrigerator with ice maker private Patio 6301 Woodway 292-542 le Chateau Plaza 1-2 bedrooms low deposit short term lease convenient to schools Carswell 5429 Birchman 737-4651 NEW FURNISHED garage efficiency by TCU SIO0 month bills paid 924- 1079 9210704 THE TIMBERS APTS 8050 HANON DR 3 minutes to GD or Carswell spacious I-bedroom apt beautiful enclosed courtyard witn pool Individu- at temperature control utilities paid Unfurnished S11450 furnishe $13950 246-5747 297-4351 BEDROOM apartment furnished near TCU 923-8082 3 RDOM APT central air heat carpet all bills paid $110 month 626- 5349 293-2469 LOVELY 1-2 bedrooms carpet tile bath carport TE 4-3652 TE 45229 ATTRACTIVE 2 room bath garage apt Responsible lady WA 4-3986 SOUTH 2 nice rooms for 1 Shower Bills paid $62 926-5461 ARL HIS garage apt carpet air bills paid $80 731-1583 bills paid S86 731-1583 WEST SIDE DUPLEX Nice 1 bedroom bachelor or girl' SlIO 338-9220 SHORT TERM RENTALS Seminary South Area 923-3711 NORTH PLAZA APTS Swimming pool convenient to downtown and Carswell children welcome furnished bills paid efficiency 1-7 bedroom apts from S110- 5157 2213 Capri Dr at Jacksboro Hwy 626-1626 NICE cool garage apt bills paid bus 1615 College Ave POLY 554 Parkdale middle aged lady or couple 535-2326 SOUTHSIDE (2) efficiency apts 1 block of bus bills paid $1750 S2250 Per week 926-2245 EULESS--CORTE DeLEON Duiet beautiful huge rooms individual air conditioning private patios I or balconies separate adult and 'family section New furniture near schools 1-1 $120 2-2 $1 and up Moving allowance Corner Pipeline and Raider at Central 267-4642 3 room duplex couple no pets 2827701 ARL HIS artrartive 3-room cottage gas and water paid Convenient $80 737-6907 MEADOWBROOK duplex real nice I bedroom new carpet refrigerated air gas water paid No pets or kids Prefer working couple Silo I 535-S64a RIVERSIDE 3 room apt Adults bilk rtaid 122 week 4125 Goddard HTS 3 rooms garage bills 'Paid $95 adults 4604 Harley Shown latter 5 and weekends I RIVER OAKS nit io bedroom apt Deposit 73-0905 RICHLAND HILLS 1 bedroom caromed air hills oad S'10 week 9961901 275-M33 EFFICIENCY private bath COOier $13 Week bills naid 531-2127 pooK area ronms $as plus Cedric 2920 Mt I Vernon SOUTHSIDE 2711 Hemphill Fur nithrirt air carnat silk raid ritiults no pets a5 monthly 924- 6711 NORTH SIDE 3-room couple S25 I week hills mild deposit 9A1-0011 3 room duplex couple no nets 282-7701 I PFDPOOM clean bills paid Call R1A-2S61 or Oil 9429 EA DOPTIROOK Addition large rooms carpeted air bills Paid adults no pets 5361114 17411 AVE 3 rooms showar 2908 'Ave 2 room man 536-1046 rooms carpeted no children 261804 034-0149 CAMP BOWIE bachelor anartmeWir Refrigerated air 125 week Bills paid 13i4j4k SOUTH SIDT 3 rooms balh bills Paid 9245319 NEWLY decoraled duplex near All Saints 590bills paid 921 MI 1 Coates Hotel Apts r)c)intown good noicothorhmd oulet family like maid servire linens riochr No children no pet 'Er)? i1 611 4th ilA PAPISIENNE it bedroom 1heth shod carpet elec with roit fro refriners tor with iro maker prionio polio 16'101 Viondwev 791S162 ME AnOwnPOOK re newly fur nithod dionlo' liorita ar templa par amok 'at tril 1 IApartments Furls 41 I 4-Oloom Api or torpor 471 intrTHSInF 4 fil01111 balh Bills wild 94 5i9 NICE-4 -rooms carpeted worklitu cofsple orworkinad lady 62644 IRA MODE RN Hide peid-eduilk 2222 6211090 GRAPEVINE 20S Worlb- SI end 2 bedrooms carnet (Hanoi beat aII air bills mni i 411120i12 A TOUCH OF SUNNY SPAIN Loeb ru Apartments clubtered like a terrenean villeoe 2 minutes oft IH20 Near NO1111011 and Ritiolea shop-Mild Privet' aerden PODS No frost retriaerator Selfcleen oven Pool club security and 2 bedroom train SI50 LA PLAZA WESTERN HILLS 11:112 Les Vaaa TraI mosii Apartments Unturn 481 1 2 or 3-Room Apts 41A API HIS 3 rooms (tinsels air 890 plus utilities DIPOSit required 336 730e OLDER PERSCh4 central close In Church bus all bilk StO 9274651 1 rooms 2114 NM 231d 624 4354 2300 VAUGHN neat 1 and 2beciroon apts 865 and 875 month no bills paid 4519111 CLEAN 3 room 2114 NW 23rd SE 62441 WEDGWOOD 4 Plex 2 bedroom bath luxury townhouse apt washer-dryer connections ell eleclric pool carport adults 8200 plus electric 2929610 ONE BEDROOM STUDIO Art Hts 4900 El Campo new beamed ceiling patio skylight shuttered wlndows indoor barbecue 737 6556 736 5035 MEADOWBROOK duplex 1 bedroom convenient quiet 575 457-1656 GARAGE apt 626-8135 $65 per month water and gas paid DUPLEX $55 Poly Nice couple or widow Clean new blinds no bills 626-2732 ARL FITS Dexter Villa 1 bedroom $120 like new 732-0250 NORTHSIDE $40 month bilk unpaid 6243156 Mrs Mem 3 ROOM DUPLEX Air conditioned and heating 2013 fitandin 838-7304 2-3 BEDROOM studio :11265412392 if nualified 838-8261 9 to 6 GRAPEVINE 705 Worth 51 1 and 2 bedrooms carpet drapes hear and air bilk paid 481-2082 POLY 731 Essex very neat duplex Water paid 451-2897 FINGER RENTS FURNITURE You 'Ind tre partment well rent a complete Ibedrpom enatment of all new furniture for as little as $25 monthly For more information call 711 2161 or SPO! sample Woos at FINGER'S RENTAL FURNITURe Son Camp Rowe Bonieverd ROYAL PARK Luxury Apartments Furnished or Unfurnished ACT NOW This Month Special Expires August 31st 2 bedroom for the price of a I bed room from $150 930 Peach St Arlington Texaa 274-6983 FFICIENCY stove box bills paid Westside $6950 737-488a 9 to 1 LA PARISIENNE IN WEDGWOOD 2-bedroom studio with 112 baths shag carpet electric kitchen with frost-free ice-malwr private patio 6301 Woodway 292-5162 ARL HIS 1 bedroom -Ictric kitchen air con- ditioned all 'bills cfrl $125 73141775 732-7775 731-11700 OAKHURST large bedroom stove refrigerator drapes carpet and pool No pets or children 834-2948 1015 MORPHY-3 rooms unfurnished Fort Worth National Rank Trust Dent 334-8444 929 HENDERSON bills paid $75 924-7950 927-2831 IApartments Whim 481 4-itoem Apts or torpor 481 ARL NTS 1712 SANGUINET ST Beautiful Contemporary duplex apt 5 large rooms storage garage adults sMEADOWBROOK 2 bedroom duplex air garage 651-8807 1E5-7670 ARL HTS duplex 1 or 2 bedroom adults After 5 PEII-3744 or come by 5312 Lovell RICHLAND Hills townhouse 2-112 storage $185 bills paid 6520 Park Place 830-6606 WEDGWOOD Luxury duplex 292-6105 1818 duplex near schools shops bus Modern Drug Mr Hamra 924-3266 1825 WASHINGTON $25 week $25 'deposit 335-3666 9247824 BELLAIRE HOUSE Heart of TCU Area Large living room 2 bedroom 2 bath dressing room and balcony Adults Charming pool area 924-6481 LARGE luxury duplex 4703 Ranch-view $350 335-4316 weekdays SOUTH Partially furnished 4 paneled rooms for 1 or couple $90 bills paid 926-5461 LA PARISIENNE IN WEDGWOOD Beautiful residential community across from Southwest High walking distance to elementary and junior high 3-bedroom 2 baths La Perisienne 6301 Woodway 295-5162 OVERTON PARK Spacious luxury duplex 3-212-2 292- 8065 335-6481 2 BEDROOM duplex carpet drapes stove refrigerator air Westside $125 737-7795 duplex convenient bills paid JE6-6637 after 9 1E6-6967 GREENBRIAR MANOR What Do You Want In Apt Living? Featuring spacious efficiencies 1 2 and 3 bedroom apt BEAUTY lovely landscaped surroundings with swimming pool for residents use LUXURY color coordinated kitchen drapes end large closets and dressing room PRIVACY each apt has 1 or 2 private patios to combine indoor-outdoor I ivin LOCATION I block North off Loop 820 at Edgecliff exit freeway ac- cess to any part of this city in min utes 927-2871 LA PARISIENNE IN WEDGWOOD A oulet beautifully landscaped French garden close to all schools 2 bedrooms 2 baths 6301 WoodwaY 292-5162 You WILL LIKE Our Convenient Location Our Low Pales No Pets Our very livable apartment Complete kitchens Night guard 5500 blk of Belknap Belknan Terrace Apts oh 834-570 WEDGWOOD 4-Pleaes 2-2-1 washerdryer connections fenced yard swimming pool Total Electric 67- WO Trail Lake 2924065 375-64131 NEW WESICLIFF DUPLEXES 74 washer dryer connections private fenced yard 7 pools model 4335 Segura Cl at South Drive 297- 4065 335-6481 DupLEX nire 4 large rooms 923- 4779 atter 10 a 1170 Hurley MILLER APTS 4A01 MIllor S164111 I Bedroom $97 2 Bedroom $11050 All bilk pold Hoot And olr To puolltiod Demos SCENIC VILLAGE APTS 12 and 3-0todroom duplexes stove furnisher' weter mud Yard Nen' Children ccent ecL Peal nice 9:18 Blue Ronne' Dr TE 9S0e CRAPEVINE OS worth -I and 2 bedroomi carnet drioes heat and air boils Paid 411120) A fib 14-L1 ants in beautiful Riontlea Country Club Estates Tolui Lief 'roc kir op 1 2 And 1 beolromfos RIOGLEA GOLF COURSE APTS evuO kodulea Count' (tub Dr 1 902 I 'JALOPY imirrtroont at modest rP111- 111 Larne 2 bedrooms 2 belt's livino room rilosori rooni 1 ofill trir kito hen and heating utility room aifined covered rho inq tor 2 AI SPDitr sin 1113V ONO room 244- SUS Tin d49I PA( lUllS rooms new pilint wesher connections water pelt' yard tent bus No neh 9) 2f44 1019 HA IT ll rooms toodu-i- nishoset Fl Worth Nationi Ii4lik trust Dent 11401444 LUXURY dooplee 7 Mdronm hitth intal electric fireplace $200 Month lees 292 A91e MOP Alt thfirrAni noir srtilml reference Check 4 I Apartments Fern 47 I I 2 or 3-1oor Ape 47A 281-0161 IApartments Furth 47 I 2 or 31emorn APIs VA 2004 CLOVER IN attractive 1 bed roam apt niceiy turnished SIGO month bills paid 332-5212 7381165 NEAR Harris Hospital Easy to keep 3 rooms Tub and shower 4 closets carpet air pair COO Also cute Quest house SO8 926-7381 SOOTHSIDE clean cool apt I or couple bills paid carpet 924-2953 ARL HIS efficiency $75 bills paid 138-1668 737-9061 GARAGE APT 3117 Ada bills paid nice clean 451-5982 295-5469 ARL HIS efficiency I man $6950 month bills paid 7386747 SOUTHSIDE large clean 3 morn apt $1650 week plus $15 deposit Convenient on bus 4612918 HALTOM CITY duplex 2313 Harris Ln 3 rooms refrigerated air extra nice furniture accept baby Bills Paid S110 9268454 138-9162 834-1451 2809 COLUMBUS 3 rooms 520 a week bills paid 833-3600 MEADOWBROOK-3 room duplex 2621 Carter 5357287 NEW Golf Hills Apts Furnished Air Silk Peid ONE BEDROOM ONLY 1120 TWO BEDROOM ONLY $150 3101 Lark land Rd 731-3600 SOUTH SIDE 3 rooms private bills paid WA 4-2015 atter 6 SOUTH SIDE 3 rooms carpet bills bus line 926-8174 WESTSIDE close in redecorated 1 bedroom apt refrigerated air $100 month bills paid 332-5212 737-3268 RIVERSIDE 1 bedroom duplex with garage $95 bills paid adults manager 1813 Brittain IApartments Furth 47 I 41-Room orM KELLER-furnished air conditioned all bills Excluisite couple $125 plus deposit Also 4 room house $IM 431-1077 1-846-2155 BEDROOMS Available Again At Good Prices INDIVIDUAL Air Controls AMPLE PARKING HUGE WALKIN CLOSETS 1 And 2 bedrooms ako Available Handy Access to Turnpike 4 AA NORTH FIELDER RD 265-4677 FIELDER SQUARE IN ARLINGTON Professionally Managed by: 11-1 TEXAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Enual Opportunity Housind LOVELY duplex refined adults S150 bills paid 332-8863 Whispering Oaks 1-2-3 bedroom and efficiencies 5858 Lancaster 451-9484' TCU Southside area working girl needs roommate with same 2 bedroom apt work 281-3341 ext 48 Dianna after 5 pm 927-2908 SOUTH Redecorated 4 rooms for 1 or couple Carpet and air $110 916- S481 $119 FURNISHED part bills room to room rent complete 2 bedroom mobile home pool shag etc 4501 SE Loop 820 478-2331 451-9538 478- 2231 3628 CLARKE off Camp Bowie at Montgomery 2 bedrooms air close to bus And Safeway Bills paid $30 and 135 738-7068 3 BEDROOM duplex 2117 Edwin across street from Clayton school Deposit required 926-1682 D5-5515 UNDER new management 212 Broadway: 5 rooms furnished Bills paid Off street parkino 525 week and up plus deposit 336- 4589 NOW LEASING REGIONAL PLACE APTS First apts Minutes to new Airport 011ie country atmosphere designed as a home Washer dryer connections cooled 1 and 2 bedrooms with and patios furnished or unfurnished Easv to commute to Dallas Ft Worth and 481-4511 481-4512 3035 Mustang Or Grapevine Texas Sedrooms Pidornar area 2 bed rooms fiats and townhouses From silo to $225 Pools tennis courts sauna Westover Village 2501 TAXCO RD 737-4091 SOUTIIDE real nice and clean bills 924-9616 2 BEDROOM furnished bills paid 57250 week 838-5216 RIVERSIDE 2 bedrooms bills paid $100 month $35 deposit 282-3582 ON Hemphill large 2 bedroom aot $25 weekly 293-5560 STUDIO apt 1 and 2 bedrooms Also combination 737-0063 7384903 HEMPHILL: 3 or 5 room rear park- ing Bilis paid S19 up 921-2061 A Week 739-6032 MATURE ADULTS King sized D001 Sauna Steam Room 1 2 bedrooms Fireplace GOVERNOR'S PALACE 2101 Ridomar 737-9128 TWO-BEDROOM 2-bath den snarl trent home with fireplace at Towne Oaks 4115 Glenview Court More than 1100 so ft Two-car covered barking private patio Phone 21011447 2 BEDROOM heat-air $131 month '75 deposit Var Oaks Prat Estate 621-1114a YOUNG MALE roommate to share etodern Apt with same 135-52aa APARTMENTS Luxury living lust In minus" to 'own! Sliner entenne for ell EnvNW games FM stereo and TV monitoring of soeciel Areas fnr ihrtre sale 19-seureitV Pool simnel exprzi5 room doh Some ftrepleee5 climete control Super 12011 Sq ft townhouse6 1 bedroom 112 helh deo From only $1115 3254 Lee Veges Trail 2445344 CiFAN 7 bedroom MO Lipscomb 1505 Weshinglon 1612 Wathinglon Close to school 511 week bills veld 510 deposit 923 OA SOUTH SIDE apts for rent lerge end smell Inquire el 1061 ROM- 1 03 FAIRMOUNT 2 bedroom upper S63 gae-water paid 336-9258 aMilia (lean paneled bill' paid 4fl 9kA) NOR 714 Side 2116 6rAyson Befora 10 and after 4 6a P11161FA 1 Mora shopping (Pnipr Nis Clean I bedroom air hills ()Iid $1'0 monlh 718 1141S trich 2 bedroom aid 820 laAa children nedr hoofs 2212996 NORTH SIDE 3 and I room apts in bririr duplex refrineraled air good neinhborhood 626 666S Pershing Lower bri( duolidr 2 hodroom furnished or intfurnished Air crape no pots WAter paid 744 1719 ASH PARK APTS oirniihol and unfurnished All atorfrk luxury 'wino Pota)1111)1 tarnish And Orono 11 arid rational 7rOM 13 See to aporatiale Cal 104 VvilNon 1441002 I 1FLOR 1ST shop in Fort Worth same WAREHOUSE SALE location for 18 years will net over $30000 Owner will finance 2611478 RAY'S 4012 WE 28TH ST AIRDRESSER rent a space be BARGAINS IN BUILDING Your own boss The Bunny Touch MATERIALS Over 500 windows in stock Hurst 282-2722 or 282-1584 $1195 $1295 ARCADE for sale beautifully locat- $1395 $1495 All complete eel between 2 high schools $20w with screen Paneling 441 3 colors Call Ed 275-3979 factory rejects $248 per sheet Ply-SMALL asphalt Priing company wood 34" $458 sheet I2" $495 41" MIO-Cities area 268 $695 2852 78" or 1" plywood $895 34" pressed wood 12 cents SCI ft Ply-GOOD Apparel Shop wood cutoff all sizes 2-4 lumber 8 cents linear ft Heavy tabs Sq buff Boutique Shop featuring Jr oof shingles double coverage 3 col- tile fashions Now available and DC- with tw in ors brown blend black and black excellent franchise arrangements blend $695 sq No 1 sq buff roof Irving Mall No merchandise invest- shingles 240 weight Brown merit You Pay as you sell ComPa- blend 58 85 sq Roofing paper $250 ny takes all mark downs pays all roll 90 lb roll roofing $350 roll freight charges etc Great opportuni- Ceiing tile white snowdrift pattern ty for the right woman with retail 12524" $695 box Pre-finished 10" experience For Interview send siding long lengths 13 cents linear name address and telephone number ft Large assortment of 14" finished to Larry Henry Box 1585 Denton Paneling your choice 5 colors from Texas 76201 FOR SALE: Fashion pants store in sheets $395 to $595 sheet Over 3000 reject paneling 195 Other Breckenridge Texas Cantact Tom- bargains in building materials my Wimberley 1200 Walker 817 Ray's 4012 NE 28th St 559-33" or 559-5223' 834-5481 e34-2684 DRY CLEANING plant and sub-sta- PLYWOOD BARGAIN non excellent location 732-3814 Over 1000 sheets birch plywood All 4x8x14 no damage small orders FOR SALE neighborhood grocery after 5 call MA6-1129 $1595 sheet Large orders $1495 sheet ORIVE-IN GROCERY in Irving Bargains in other plywood paneling's S8500 Includes stock and fixtures A and roofing materiel going business Metro 253-7903 253- 834-2684 834-5481 834-8791 3260 20 squares Mexican rooting tile SIO 5-CHAIR barber shop in Hurst Corn- Per 246-5150 nletely remodeled Priced to sell 283-2233 MARBLE vanity tons with built in lavatories and back splashes 112 DENTON RESTAURANT tops many colors all sizes $15 5 your LAND BUILDING AND EQUIP- choice 275-2261 283-1635 265-980 MENT equipment in good work- CARPORT or patio covers any size ing to and shape Reasonable 478-2748 settle financing 4 SMALL HOUSES to be moved DON HALL REALTOR 793-4671 336-5292 RAILROAD ties You haul or deliv Denton Texas 8 I 7387-5 I 62 er 292-1856 or 451-1610 For Sale To Be Moved PICTURE framing equipment want Good older style house with modern to retire Half price Edgerton Frame bath 4629 Washburn Ave 246-9191 Shoo 5614 Belknap ONLY flower shop in town all the One brand new wooden exterior door with door knob and lock Diamond business you can handle fully mod- shape window at top Reasonable ern shoo with 2 bedroom home on 5364102 adioining lot Ideal for couple ETD priced to sell Box 627 Arch "Special er City is week" 8x16-8xI2 MorDOWNTOWN Texas 817-571-4913 pan Portable Slats 5400 Hwy 121A 834-5517 WASHATER1A for sale excellent location 20 washers 6 dryers 1645 LET US move your portable building Henderson call 923-0254 after "We care" Ernie 834-5517 1 6:30 pm weekdays and Saturdays FURNACE assorted 2x4's 2x6's' Mid-CitiesFOR SALE DUE to illness Tom 2x10's Roof decking electrical sup-area riones Food Store located Farm Rd plies plumbing some bathroom tix- 105 and Hwy 96 on corner no col-' tures aluminum windows 738-1687 lect calls 713-276-1751 or write PO For Sale to Be Moved Box 616 Eavdale Texas 77615 Modern duplex 6 rooms and 2 oaths BARGAIN Art plaster operation 3001 and 3003 Adrian Also duolex withlOver 400 newmolds mostly rubber 3024 and 3026 Bristol 6 rooms and dis-lComplete facilities and drying room baths 246-9191 complete will train 625-01124 IF YOU need more office space see 817-779- Morgan' 12x40 or 12x32 9300 Hwy FOR SALE 140bulk peanut machines 25 on locations asking call81 So 293-4094 275-5989 after SPM FIBERGLASS tub and showers facand 817-567- LOUNGE FOR LEASE tory direct 624-2621 2637 Lancaster 535-9512 CASH SPECIALS RESTAURANT in Ridglea for lease 372-3582 lx4 fir lineal ft 6c 1x6 fir lineal ft 9c COIN operated Speed Queen wash- lx8 fir lineal ft 12c excel- ers $35 each 268-0431 927-5808 lx10 fir lineal ft 16c LICENSE 48 commercial day care 4x8x34" exterior plywood 450 in Forest Hill Building fixture and4x0x" exterior plywood $760 3 lots 534-2414 4x8x34" exterior plywood S895 '62 CHEVY walk-in concession van Particle board oriced 52 75 and up us teach through a professional power plant air ice cream machine SELLERS LUMBER training program how to net a miniIf reeler and etc $210 0 817-683-4598 411 Grand MA4-3141 mum profit of SR896 in the first months financing available for vooriCOMPLETELY equipped 1st ciasesoPAINT I-S3F-75 Factory surplus small investment Cell Mr Shine mixed beverage bar and restauurant per gallon Cali 336-5685 461 6221 Ft Worth can seat 2001 CAB IN TS counter tops sinks for will arrange attractive terms for kitchen and bath at factory outlet DAY CARE center in Fort Worth II- sale or lease to proven operator withlorices Kitchen Planners 921-2531 censed for 31 land building elllexcellent references Box 64873 Dal- NEED a Portable Buildinc equipment goes with small down as 214-521-9610 Call Atlas 814-8244 284-0167 Payment 261-1470 I CLUB 1311 Hemphill PORTABLE buildings moved reaNEED Partner as operator or loves-111500 1800 down Call 292-6299 el- I sonable rate Young 834-2156 tor New wrecking yard 335-0611 'ter 6 or all day on weekends Nr Ariel licari nhinnhnn AAline SALE DUE to Illness Tom yearlyliones Food Store located Farm Rd 105 and Hwy 96 on corner no col- lect calls 713-276-1751 or write PO Box 616 Eavdale Texas 77615 BARGAIN Art plaster operation withiOver 400 newmolds mostly rubber dis-lComplete facilities and drying room $2000 complete will train 625-0()24 817-779- (FOR SALE 140bulk 817-567- I NEW and used plumbing FLORIST shop in Fort Worth same location for 18 years will net over S30000 Owner will finance 2611478 HAIRDRESSER rent a space be your own boss The Bunny Touch Hur5t 282-2722 or 282-1584 ARCADE for sale beautifully located between 2 high schools $2000 Call Ed 275-3979 SMALL asphalt paving company Mici-Cities area 2682852 Apparel Shop Boutique Shop featuring Jr and petite fashions Now available with excellent franchise arrangements in Irving Mall No merchandise investment You pay as you sell Corneany takes all mark downs pays all freight charges etc Great opportunity for the right woman with retail experience For Interview send name address and telephone number to Larry Henry Box 1585 Denton Texas 76201 FOR SALE: Fashion pants store in Breckenridge Texas Cantact Tommy Wimberley 1200 Walker 817 559-3388 or 559-5223 DRY CLEANING plant end sub-station excellent location 7323814 FOR SALE neighborhood grocery after 5 call MA6-1129 DRIVE-IN GROCERY in Irving 08500 Includes stock and fixtures A doing business Metro 253-7903 253-1 3260 5-CHAIR barber shop in Hurst Com nletely remodeled Priced to sell 283-2233 POOL sale New 15 ft pools $150 man's- diamond ring $3350 9244375 534-5871 9 niohts 4151-9279 CHURCH PEWS 921-0203 I Business Opp 401 OR PEPPER machine lust rebuilf by Dr Pepper Co 292-6966 SET OF World Books hair dryer Before You Invest and floor polisher make offer 838- 5160 INVESTIGATE Apt sale leaving city selling pictures books bedroom dining and living room furniture clothing West- It Costs You Nothlno over Village Apts apt 536 732-3563 For a Report From the Upholstering reasonable discount on Better Business Bureau material Free estimates 834-4890 Of Fort Worth Inc GOOD CONDITION Mini bike $125 rotor tiller S150 18 Fort Worth TeXaS 76101 HP outboard motor $125 2 freezers 709 Sinclair bldg 332-7585 $73 each table and chairs $60 284- BUSINESS and used 1746 both retail and wholesale with repair furniture upriolstery and shop good opportunity for aggres- tepair work all work guaranteed sive business man 261-1470 Complete line of material and sup- BARE1ECUE restaurant In north Fort Flies free estimates Metro 461-2928 Worth in business over 20 years ARAGE SALE In my home many Will net over $30000 this year 261- c- Items for sale 2216 NM 24th 626- 1478- 0072 GRANBURY Lakefront restaurant YARD SALE: Lots of furniture an now operating owner leaving States tiques unktigues odds and ends Buy equipment-lease building or will 9Q2 Watercress Dr 237-5486 sell all equipment to be moved Alsc have warehouse odds and ends must tiKE BOXES excellent condition sell by the first 594-7151 573-1493 great for den or playroom 261-5018 OPENING new flower shops in Dal-ANXIOUS to sell 6-unit Motel Move as and Fort Worth low investment to your location $2150 per unit will train money makers 284-4323 Come see 9300 Hwy 81 293-1094 DOWNTOWN Chinese YARD SALE 3037 Joyce Dr off restaurant for sale 335-1544 t-ivy 183 244-6123 'REPOSSESSED color TV $3 week LOUNGE FOR RENT Gateway TV 244-5112 335-559'2 ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES GIFT AND Import shop in Mid-Cities Upholstery workshop beginning Sep' area Will net over $20000 yearly tember 4 Learn to repair your own Ideal location and beautiful shop 261 upholstered furniture and save as well as do light reupholstery work 1479 Phone metro 461-2928 Number of 8x22 MOBILE kitchen for sale locat persons in each workshop is limited ed at Sand Bar Lodge on Possum Kingdom Lake Fully equipped wilt PROFESSIONAL beauty shop hair- dryer Gold chair Used approxi- hamburger griddle cold drinks dis- Penser ice maker etc all stainless mately 6 months Excellent condi steel interior 817-738-5415 817-779- tinn Individual 536-4102 2922 NEVER USED Green floral table Umbrella Reasonable 536-4102 SHOE AND GROCERY store motel COME TO THE BIG SALE Friday and house Spaces leased 817-567 August 17 end August 24 corner of 3250 Annie and Virginia south side ANXIOUS to sell 6-unit Motel MOv4 Dishes men's and children's cloth- to your location $2750 per unit log bedding Come see 9'300 Hwy 81 So 293-4004 YARD SALE 1228 Blalock FOR restaurant excel 926-0614 lent location completely equipoed go 75 gal aquarium equipped for sa Clean vacant and ready to Cal lt Leon McDaniel 531-3776 water must add fish and water $200 735939 I OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Tlart'S- diamond ring $3350 9249375 Business 401 Before You Invest INVESTIGATE It Costs You Nothlno For a Report From the Better Business Bureau Of Fort Worth Inc Fort Worth TeXaS 76101 709 Sinclair bldg 332-7585 3USINESS and used )oth retail and wholesale with repair hop good opportunity for aggres- live business man 261-1470 3ARE1ECUE restaurant In north Fort North in business over 20 years NM net over 230000 this year 261- 1478 3RANBURY Lakefront restaurant' sow operating owner leaving States 3uy equipment-lease building or will kit all equipment to be moved Also lave warehouse odds and ends must ell by the first 594-7151 573-1493 DPENING new flower shops in Dal- as and Fort Worth low investment will train money makers 284-4323 Chinese restaurant for sale 335-1544 LOUNGE FOR RENT 335-559? GIFT AND import shop in Will net over $20000 yearlsei Ideal location and beautiful shop 201- 1479 3x22 MOBILE kitchen for sale local- ed at Sand Bar Lodge on Possum Kingdom Lake Fully equipped hamburger griddle cold drinks Penser ice maker etc all steel interior 817-738-5415 2922 SHOE AND GROCERY store motel house Spaces leased 3250 ANXIOUS to sell 6-unit Motel move to your location $2750 per unit Come see KOO Hwy 81 So 293-4004 FOR restaurant lent location completely equipned Clean vacant and ready to ga Call Leon McDaniel 531-3776 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Let BUSINESS and used both retail and wholesale with repair shop good opportunity for aggressive business man 261-1470 BARE1ECUE restaurant In north Fort Worth in business over 20 years Will net over $30000 this year 261- 1478 GRAN BURY Lakefront restaurant now operating owner leaving States Buy equipment-lease building or will sell all equipment to be moved Also have warehouse odds and ends must sell by the first 594-7151 573-1493 OPENING new flower shops in Dallas and Fort Worth low investment will train money makers 284-4323 DOWNTOWN Chinese restaurant for sale 335-1544 GIFT AND import shop in area Will net over $20000 Ideal location and beautiful shop 261- 1479 8x22 MOBILE kitchen for sale local- ed at Sand Bar Lodge on Possum Kingdom Lake Fully equipped hamburger griddle cold drinks Penser ice maker etc all stainlessi steel interior 8177385415 2922 SHOE AND GROCERY store motel and house Spaces leasecL 3250 ANXIOUS to sell 6-unit Motel move to your location $2750 per unit Come see KOO Hwy 81 So 293-4004 FOR restaurant excellent location completely equipned Clean vacant and ready to go Call Leon McDaniel 5313776 1 Apartments Furth 47 I 2 tar 3-Roont Anti 471 Bell Garden Apts I and 2 bedrooms furnished and unfurnished Swimming pool all modein conveniences Priced S120 up 1 block from Bell Helicopter Hwy 183 Hurst 282-5451 MEADOWBROOK quiet clean no Pets Christian couple 536-6917 CAFB brick carpet air no pets S110 $50 deposit water-gas paid 737-3209 737-5667 Bell Crest Manor Spacious One or Two Bedrooms Furnished or Unfurnished Rills Paid Swimming Pool dishwashers fireproof soundproof huge closets laundry room Phone BU 2 5511 450 East Hurst Blvd Hurst (Cross from Bell Helicopter) RIVER OAKS nice large air cou- ple 624-8300 4905 Ohio Garden Rd MEADOWBROoK and near IWC nice efficiencies and 1 bedroom apts Refrigerated air $75 to $125 457 400 NORTH SIDE 1 bedroom $22 SO per week deposit 738-6932 626-5488 HEY LOOK $10950 New Spanisn 1 bedroom shag walk-ins no kids or pets 478-2311 451-9538 APARTMENT-FINDERS At absolutely no charge to you we can find the apartment you want Saving you energy time and money 732-4442 Located In the Purvis Realtor Building at 5450 Camp Bowie and 1-20 FINGER RENTS FURNITURE You find the apartment well rent a complete 1-bedroom apartment of all new filniture or as little as $25 monthly For more intormation call 131216i or see sample setups at FINGERS RENTAL FURNITURE '5632 Camp rsowie Boulevard DIFFERENT Bachelor ranch morth of town bills paid air 439-3106 NICE APT near Harris $75 one adult no pet 336-4385 CHARLOTTE APTS Large 1 and 2-bedroom on bus 823 week bills paid 534-6183 926-6439 MEADOWBROOK garage efficiency $65 water paid 281-3460 281-0666 WORTH SIDE- 3 and 4 room 8131-3 Nicely furnished Children welcome Apply 2121 Ross EFFICIENCY all electric kitchen Paneled carpeted air middleaged gentleman preferred bills paid 8110 month references Meadowbrook 335-6133 534-4558 Nicely Apply 2121 Ross EFFICIENCY all electric kitchen Paneled carpeted air middleagec gentleman preferred bills paid SAC month references Meadowbrook 3356133 5344558' BEAT THIS PRICE like new 1-bedroom kitchen-den carnet Paneled air S95 6251010 WORTHVIEW AP1 large clean 1 bedrwm apt on bus near downtown Good access freeway $25 bills paid 332-5973 Wilshire Plaza Apts Near Hwy 121 156 and 183 Minutes from Bell and new airport Singles or families welcomed 1450 Sagebrush Trail EulesS Texas 283-4571 DIAMOND HILL 2814 Lulu couple or single Only bills paid $115 month deposit After 5 457-3353 SOUTHSIDE clean 2 room efficiency convenient on bus line $1250 per week plus $10 deposit 451-2978 SOUTH PLAZA APTS Furnished or unfurnished efficiency 1-2 bedroom apts Central heat-air across from Seminary South close to bus schools day nurseries Swimming pool children welcomed 100 Thornhill 924-6828 SOUTH SIDE nice large 2 rooms and bath air no deposit gas and water paid convenient bus and shopping 924-1062 NEAT 1 bedroom apt and house $20 and $25 week bills paid 284-9039 'HEY BACHELORS-couples! Easy to keep 3 rooms Tub and shower 4 Iclosets carpet air park $100 Also guest house $68 926-7383 NICE clean private entrance adjoins bath phone air gentleman 1834-0420 13 ROOM APT furnished or unfur1 fished bills Paid 275-5474 'SPOTLESS clean beautiful apt for responsible adults Harris HO 'area bills paid no pets 920 College 336-8030 1LARGE 1 bedroom apt nice clean Center area Convenient tr Freeway $115 and $120 air Wilt-paid 926-1569 RENT downtown From 565 bills paid ono Summit Ave 355-902 NICE CLEAN Bachelor garage efficiency $60 bills paid 834-1002 2 ROOM apt $19 week 834-3652 834-5229 SOUTH SIDE apts for rent large and small Inquire at 1061 Rosedale ATTRACTIVE and clean near GO and Carswell 503 Mercedes St Ben-brook utilities paid 249-1415 FT WORTH-THE MEADOWS Quality residences huge rooms Ipriate patios or balconies new furniIture superb mzintenance convenient Ito everything near schools 1-1 5148 2-114 $188 2-2 5708 3-2 $248 and up Meadowbrook at Weiler 457-0680 CENTRAL heat air carpet up bills paid 831-1611 EAGLE MOUNTAIN APIS Brick1 bedroom living-dining area: tile bath kitchen bar $950 water-gas Adults 236-7211 POLY 715 Essex 3 room bath gas water paid adults 2115 FOREST PARK Blvd bachelor garage apartment Clean bright private bills Paid $80 POLY garage apt Air bills paid single man or lady $80 535-5824 I Riverside clean garage ant adults Ireferences $65 225 Blevins WESTOVER VILLAGE 1-2-3 Bedrooms Flats and Townhouses Furnished nr Unfurnished total Pletrir carpet Family adult sinale sections i pools Reline tennis (-01)01 Curb Morn planned artivitioe Playground behysiffing SecuritY guard maid service Beautiful landscaping Close to schools churches Suner Shopping From $150 737-4091 25n1 Taxco 20 West TO Ridgmar Blvd Exit CUTE clean 1 bedroom apt 657 Jenninos 231 Ave 923-11147 2916 6TH AVE 3 room garage apt carpet air bills paid 923 0632 I 1 ROOM efficiency apt tiein air Drivale 8344)543 CI EAN 3 rooms nicely furnished SI is month 10 mlnutet of Carswell Inquire 2117 'Ism 24th or (ail 1MA A 1956 GARACE -apt Mln VQ Tritath 196 Prairie 614 11 624 RSV3 1 NOP THS11W 3 rooms clean bills paid 7i14 2a21 NOR THS1DF 3room 84 IOC 7416 CheOnot 8A6 5144 23 517 1-07LS1 PARK immioulate herT room 61r 1)15 'Hi After 5 38 2887 NAP TO room ortre nl alr Arpet $70 814401 9748454 RIDGMAR SQUARE BEHINn HP well for thole why Went the very bio 737-4007 rience and investments 1 2 or 3 units are available Terms may also be available 336-8641 returnable Write for personal Interview! Mr Don Winder PO Box 26009 Jack sonville Fl8 32218 DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE Complete two operatory Dental suite including patients records Located in Professional Bldg near large hospital complex 817927-5628 Ft Worth Texas GROCERY store perfect couple op-ration small town building land stock fixtures $21900 267-0539 ILoans FINANCIAL beckino tor soy worth while business venture $10000 and up Call Savory! 214-25360k CONSJLIDATE LIENS reoair remodel orlvote mane Call anytime 42r9 CONFIDENTIAL loans to women Cali Plaza Finance 332-1531 Egulornant Mortgage Loans Venture (Anita Wes Garner Pir Inlets Bank Bldg Financial Leasing JJEID vo000 it)4111 On rea1 estate near Ft Worth OnOtt Wes Garner Ridritea Bank Bldg Financial Leasinu Co flErtre7000 S-year loan On reel eStete nllor FL WIrtb good 'MI' Ileteral Reply to 030ti 15e Star I Telegram GIANT PARKING LOT SALE Friday August 24 5 to 9 nm St Cristopher's Church 3550 SW Loop 820 Cotton candy rides and clowns 11r the kids Building supplies imthes etc CA RAGE SALE Moving many Items mist go Baby furniture toys miscellaneous 309 Holder Or Hurst August 22-29 ANT to buy CUPS and saucers in Rosalie by Spode 292-0117 GARAGE sale iunk-tiques rolltoP desk 5313 Ira 831-1690 GARAGE SALE bicycles desk oak tiling cabinet Avon bottles an- tques to lunk 1601 Grantland Cir 5 ROOMS of furniture and household sale also '65 Pontiac convertible 924-0458 CoCTLIS day lilies iris cannas over 100 varieties blooming 3609 Wichita 515-0285 PATIO sale girls misses clothing bric-a-brac 451-5096 SALVAGE business on corner lot SKELLY with large warehouse and home inl 15436 Jacksboro Hwy MA 4-0571 BRICK house 28x40 ft to be mcnie-11 Lease dealer needed statlon In oner-igood location that will net over ICK 2 ation Southside 281-2571 9 to $35000 yearly Bob Strain broker 28th St 624-1119 rn 2848710 1261-147R Red barns storage buildings custorr and "on site" buildings tree 10t31 ARCO STATION How about a hotel with weekly and Innkeeper Anyone? Excellent neighborhood 1 or a tin I delivery good mechanical trade extra income a ma AMERICAN PORTABLE BLDG! -Imonthly guests? Thirty years under Nights call 1131:1519 5401 HWY 12IA 838-266 nagement so now there's 1 from rentals Great potential calF for I tip kIroom you a 8 us Ray Harvey 292-9685 Schluter Rea QUALITY ty 2320838 this mode9t investment will yield a FACTORY BUILT QUALITY steady income Cali for reservations PORTABLE BUILDINGS CERAMIC business over 400 molds ALLIED MANAGEMENT 10 sins from 5I1250 2 kils pouring table shelves for 1500 Sth 335-2516 20 miles free delivery molds 11800 1-872-5149 It can make the difference Boy from us and loiVA BRICK house 28440 ft to be moved 2570 28th St 6241119 Ped barns storage buildinos custom end "on site" buildinqs Free local delivery Nights call R31-1519 AMERICAN PORTABLE BLDG! WI HWY 121A 838-2863 FACTORY BUILT QUALITY PORTABLE BUILDINGS 10 sires from 5119 50 20 miles free delivery Buy from us and save 36 1 CLUB FOR LEASE SOMETHING DIFFERENT 1 Miscellaneous Fort Worth-Da SWMllas San Antonio-Aus il 3506 Samuel Blvd Dallas Near4in franchise areas available for our junction of 1-30 East 140 East and own travel guide service clients Sporting aisysios Toys 36A Samuel Blvd Fully eauiPoed Re-IPlaces of business are specificallY decorated By appointment 214-821-IPin pointed to attract the attention EXCLUSIVE SHOW1611 5222 of sophisticated travelers Nnrrill011 SHOW BIZ EXECUTIVE "ARTISTIC TALENT 5 fixture Investment Details Name brands Ldhe Pubis NeimanS Use your artistic talent to direct available on renuest Puccini Miss Elliette Rosa Town Your creative ability to profits with ALLIED MANAGEMENT Traveler $1194t1 Thomas etc A tall this card and gift shop in thrivroo1500 5th 335-2516 summer after S's sweaters slack! shonning center in Southwest Fort! It ran make the difference suits S3 to SI50 5606 Diamond' 051'S Dr Worth ALLIED MANAGEMENT 103 Leases 411 TRAMPOLINE Sale 1500 5th 3152616 suits S3 to $I50 MOS Diamond 05frS Or TRAMPOLINE Sale civorih ALLIED MANAGEMENT fl4 SIO 31540e SOMETHING DIFFERENT Fort Worth-Dallas San Antonio-Austin franchise areas available for our own travel guide service clients Call anytime 2s1-471e L-ali anyt11t DRILLING offset weg In Cooke BILL'S POOL TABLE SALES RESTAURANT county or production history in Slate pool tables with equipment lust renovated end refitted 1811) MS-0573 or A24-1114 Locar-i S250 New Honeycomb tables $95 or) ed in West Texas' most area 9 to 5 Monday-Friday 9-121town Thrs property Is owned by a HleAmMingtLTON location production and nearby 232-0157 Saturday 2816-A Shamrock 336-0516'corporation and must be liquidated AMMUNITION SALE Contact Carl Smith Realtor DRILLING location Production on 3 Wirehester AA 12 per case SO PO Box 1624 sjdes Charles Castnn 2 Scott Fort Stockton Texas 19135 I Austin Texas 18103 Winchester AA 20 ga per ca-it 542 Phone 915-336-3316 Phone 512477-45110 Federal 20 go game loads per case 531 50 NIGHT club in Arlington Cowboy antenna color TV mired drinks and 39 Federal 12 go game loads per case' Investments 421 10 1 dimrinq owner retiring 275-9393 trunchester shot Shell primerS S9 Per 10 POLAR Chip 2 barrel slush ma- S71100 equity for $A000 3 bedroom chines litre new $395 each 732-1821 home 626-2500 Fri shot shell primer Iti50 per After 5 732-8021 Shot shell powder 3 lbs i575 DISCOUNT- Accounts receivable for sale complete- 4101 All WA at Wh ic olesale Pres MACHINE SHOP ly eauipped all tools in good work- 679 1-1'e do gunsmith service and warr en- i ion tr oneal estate Fnr intor 3000 SO FT building very good rePair On Peminoton Browning mating write LPO Box 12442 Fort corner location Already leased for S31190 and Winchester Take Down Wth or Texas $550 month (good Investment) 838- OWNER stone gift 30S1 opening day Sunday August shop 2-bedroom house Maior high- HAVE KNOWLEDGE experience 26 from 1 to 5 Pm for all dove I way Pt 2 Box 28 Cross Plains And good location for franchising hooters and shooters Ilexas 76443 flower shoos In Dallas and Fort Worth need canital 284-4323 It Ciin make the eitterpoe MOBIL SERVICE STATION OPPORTUNITY Three by station fr In Hurs t-Fiedford-Euless Presently domg $30001 Paul dealer training A dealer oriented company CONTACT POvER LOCKNIDGE 2413411 Vioek days 2M1-0459 After 7 PM 20 issi Woek dAsis 241-0459 After 7 PM 1 ACRES new home new restau rent seals SA at Ceddo Lake State Perk Karneck SS0000 214-6193681 CI ARK'S GUNS AND AMMO miles nAst Lake Worth Bridge on 199 thlen Daily from fl to 630 Closed 217 396? OR GERMAN luger 765mm S175 41g-4385 NEW 10 soeed bfrides renuler re te4 SI00 No down SI4 13 month 6 months wth good credit 292-1551 --1-no2 ('-)LF CLUBS 1071 Soalding Tod Froht I woods 10 irons beg heed covers Sin 7311762 1r 0011 Arch Pry Lanes hes IMMO band archery teckle Burk knives Caine clothes Browning home Pm I tic or indonr and outdoor rannes to ai yards 1212 Berry 9104031 open tit mon API HIS 9 hodtgom 3911 nt 90 enprIlliAn 924 140 4 I.
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